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the problem with email and texts is that they do not convey tone, so one must be careful what one writes and how one writes it...

Business Writing: Set the Tone in E-mail

i agree that the last three words should have been thought out more carefully as some one mentioned before maybe a "what? can you rephrase some of the information or summarize it"

my greatest concern through reading this thread was in the use of what I feel is foul language that I would not want a younger generation to come on here and read and think that it is representative of the forum overall.(for those of us who are into teaching kids the hobby)-there is enough of that on the airwaves.

we all need to be adults and set what I feel can be a better example of explaining information and not get so disgusted. there was a world of good information from member jazzsinger, thank you for that.

For what it's worth I have always held this forum as one of the best for getting help and information related to the hobby.

Can we all mind our p's and q's! :)
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TO Stellasarat, sorry if I jumped down your throat, I don't deal too great when I think people are mocking me, not on this thread, the other one you started, i tried to help you and although may have been a bit technical for you, i had actually simplified it a lot, anyway I ain't offended, I ain't bothered and I bare no grudges, as far as I'm concerned shit happens ;) its in the past, all the best Jazz 73.;)

To Gamegetter I'd like to apologise to you too, I think some of my language offended you, it wasn't my intention, its actually very mild by comparison to everyday Glaswegian, its not the quaintest of cities in the world, I appreciate you may have a very different background to me, so I'm sorry if I offended you, hopefully we can all move on, all the best Jazz 73.;)
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thanks and thanks to all,

let's do what we do best here and discuss the radio hobby, i especially enjoy all the in depth antenna theory discussions that go on here...they are extremely valuable not to mention stimulating(should be) to the new and young hobby enthusiasts!

good day
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hey jazzsinger....
i saw your antron 99 blowing about in the breeze earlier,,i hope you can get the swr down over all those ham bands you use..
ha ha pmsl..laters
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I didn't say that very well, did I? Height above ground/dirt isn't what causes RFI, but how close the RF signal source is to the devices being interfered with certainly does contribute. If that antenna is further away, which can also mean higher, then it's less likely to cause any interference. In the case of the 'A99' and the Imaxx antenna, they both use the feed line/coax as their 'other half', the radials, counterpoise, etc. That means that since that feed line is going to be 'closer' to things than the antenna it's self, it can certainly be a source of the RFI/'bleeding'.
- 'Doc
If I'm not mistaken, the antennas like the A-99 and my personal favorite of this type antenna, the Tram 1498, both are 1/2 wave over 1/4 wave antennas and that is their counterpoise and therefore the coax never gets involved in the equation.
It's entirely possible that I'm wrong and if so please enlighten me.
the coax never gets involved in the equation.
In theory this is true, but in actual practice the coax does radiate a bit and is also prone to carrying CMC's with these types of antennas.

The A-99 groundplane kit, while it does nothing to help receive or transmit, DOES help A LOT with cancelling out CMC's that would otherwise travel down the outside of the cable into your shack. Alternately you can make an 'ugly balun' by coiling up six or seven turns of coax at the base of the antenna, or you can cut four 108 inch bits of wire and hang those down from the grounded base of the antenna.
All these methods will work to make the antenna radiate and NOT the cable.
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Thanks for the reply. There is a whole lot I don't know. Like, what are CMC's. Don't think I've heard of those before.
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what are CMC's.
Yes, common mode currents. Think of them as radio signal that didn't get transmitted properly due to a bad antenna match or other factors.
Those signals then travel back down the outside of your coax back into your radio room, where they manifest as mic squeals, hums, distortion, or unwanted talkback through stereo speakers etc.
A-99 and my personal favorite of this type antenna, the Tram 1498, both are 1/2 wave over 1/4 wave antennas
Neither antenna is a collinear...they are not 1/2 over 1/4 waves...simple End-fed Half waveso_O
With negative gain over a simple dipole...
"Referenced to a center fed 1/2 wave dipole, which is the industry standard, the Antron 99 has a NEGATIVE gain of 0.3 dB.
This could also be stated as -0.3 dBd"

5.75 dBd not a chance!!!... :coffee: :LOL:
That's roughly the gain of a short boom 3 element YAGI:love:
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