Maybe a hot knife around the outside bottom? Like the kind that is a razor blade on a soldering iron. Then put it back together with a plastic welder like the kind from Harbor Freight.
Since it is thermoplastic; did you try gently heating it up with a heat gun/blow drier?Hi all,
i have a wilson 5000 antenna just sitting in the garage because of a bad solder connection on the coil.
i would like to crack it open and fix it, but years back i tried to get an old wilson 1000 base coil open and damn near destroyed the thing in the process.
so does anyone have any secrets for getting these open without ruining them?
maybe heat?
a certain solvent?
repeated hammer banging at just the right interval in order to cause resonance to shake it open?
thanks for any and all tips and advice.
I like where this thread is going lol.
'if it breaks, F it. just make another one!' you guys think like me.
I own all the tools you guys were talking about, but if im willing to lose the material that would surely get lost in the cuts, then i might as well just cut the thing around the outside and then glue it back together.
I still might end up doing just that.
Heck, forget water, fill the sucker with black powder and touch her off.....what if i filled it with water and then froze it?
it would have to burst somewhere right?
Just use fire!! I’m on a burn-it kick lately, just kill it with fire.
The Stryker has a metal case around its coil. A short piece of fat aluminum tube would be handy right now.