I think you will come around to the Revolutionary Resistance
point of view eventually. This point of view holds that America
should be for Americans, that the criminal regimeist evil
multicultural empire must be overthrown, the racial nationalities
freed to go their own way, and criminal regimeists exterminated
root and branch to safeguard this Revolution. We know what we want,
and thus we know ourselves. We know the enemy and hate them for
what they are...
And I now know that a religious movement of Christian Identity and
a political movement of White Nationalism is the paramount belief
system of the Resistance, and that this Resistance Movement shall
prevail by destroying, not reforming the evil multi-racial empire --
the gulag of racial nationalities. Thus for the past year or two
I have had to ride point for the Resistance.
I assure you that I am willing to help your cause because our
enemies are the same. I do not ask you to believe in or share my
religious beliefs, but am confident that circumstances will force
you to develop similar ones due to the press of reality...
A reinvigorated
militia movement of quality, professing pacifism and
"CONstitutionalism" as a facade could indeed be useful to the
Resistance. Once radicalized, the pacifism and CONstitutional-
idolatry can be sloughed off like a growing snake's skin...
I also think you
need to figure out that the criminal regime is your enemy and that
the Resistance is your ally. I also hope you will clarify your
thinking, and consider what I have said in this open letter.
I am
more than willing to help you do that which is necessary. I am
Most Sincerely Yours,
Martin Lindstedt
Director of Political Warfare
7th Missouri Militia