Ok,here is the info on my setup.
1. I am using the maco on 10 meters and it is tuned at 1.2 or less accross the 10m band.
2. It affects the tv on all modes, AM,SSB.
3. I is all radios now but befor it was only my 2970dx.
4. I am using mt ht with alone, no external antenna just the screw on ant.
5. the ht does this when sitting in the radio room which is behind the living room with the tv.
6. I found out last night that the ht only affects the tv when I am in the radio room but when I walk around the house and even stand beside the tv it does not affect it (SRANGE) at all.
ok, so now your getting into the tv regardless of what radio ?
and all of these are in the shack ?
so the only time your getting into the tv is from the radio room ?
i think the tv may be on the same electrical circuit as your radios
you may have a bad ground or switched hot-neutral
i'm beginning to think , its a mains power issue
try this - get an extension cord that will reach from the tv to another
completely separate electrical circuit ,
make certain this circuit is not the same one that the tv was on before
or the one that supplies your shack ,
plug the tv into it , and see what happens ???????
its odd that you only had this problem before with only one radio
but you had the problem before !
nows it worse ,
try the extension cord , see if it helps or makes no difference .
you may have to try several different things to source the issue
but it does appear the antenna should be fine !
get back to us !!!!
73 de rich