I am id-ing on 70cm with the Ht and on 2m with my cross bander so that covers every where my transmission can be heard. With the tone squelch setup on the cross bander (unless someone can guess what it is) the base only transmits on 2m and NOT 70cm. I also have the 70cm receiver setup with a tone squelch so only I trigger it thus eleminating the possability of the 2m side transmitting by a stray signal.
I ran this by an OO and he said no problem with my setup as all id-ing has been taken care of.
lets see, are you saying that you are transmitting on 70cm with an ht,.... into a dual band rig set to X-band to a two meter output freq,.....
HOW , and WHAT are you hearing on 70 cm RX?
what do you mean by "I also have the 70cm receiver setup with a tone squelch so only I trigger it",... WHAT are you "triggering" the 70 cm RX with?op: