You will like the bigger unit. Is it a good price? I have a 746pro and it is an awesome radio. I like the idea.
I would imagine that you could find a good 756pro 2 for around $1000 - $1200. If you can try to find a pro 3. As for the 7000, I have no idea, sorry.
.... I do miss two things though, the hookup for the display to be on my computer monitor...
Is it a wise decision to sell the ic-7000 and purchase the 756pro 2 ?
I bought the 7000 for mobile use, used it one month mobile. Now it is saftely at home as a base but its just too small and I feel it lacks features due to it having vhf uhf.
Yes. I had one and regret selling it. You will love the Pro II. Good for doing some of that medium-fi audio work too
IMO it has the best receiver out there.