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High Gain Mobile Antenna


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Just a simple reminder that you get what you pay for. I purchased a dual band high gain antenna, called a Bingfu High Gain Antenna, and surely wasted my money in doing so. It's a fold over antenna that folds over when you're driving down the highway. I tried it on my Kenworth T680 and on my Mazda 3 car. It doesn't discriminate on type of vehicle, for sure! So, pay more and worry less, rather than pay less and worry more.

Actually I had a really good quality 2m SuperGainer antenna from Comet or Diamond.....I forget which.....and it would do the same thing. Something about the wind pressure and vibrations would make it literally walk up out of the socket base until it would fall over at the hinge point. It was 60+ inches long and worked really well however the auto-foldover feature while on the highway was a pain. LOL I put a piece of heatshrink over the entire base so it would not do that since I had no need to have it fold over and never had another problem with it.
I pretty much knew that I shouldn't expect much when I ordered it. But I thought I'd get more out of it than I actually did. I went ahead and ordered a Comet Brand High Gain and I'll put some shrink wrap on it like you did. I don't need for it to fold over anyway. I was thinking that some kind epoxy might keep it from folding over, but that was a fleeting idea after I saw how damaged it was. But.....now I have spare parts for some kind of future project!
By contrast I also have a really old.......25 years or so old..........Comet CA2x4SR dual band mobile antenna with the same fold-over base. I had it for YEARS before I even knew it had the fold-over feature. LOL I don't remember how many times I mounted/unmounted that antenna until one day somehow I accidentally made it fold over. I thought I broke it for a second or two until I realized what actually happened. It is over 25 years old now and still works great on my truck.
By contrast I also have a really old.......25 years or so old..........Comet CA2x4SR dual band mobile antenna with the same fold-over base. I had it for YEARS before I even knew it had the fold-over feature. LOL I don't remember how many times I mounted/unmounted that antenna until one day somehow I accidentally made it fold over. I thought I broke it for a second or two until I realized what actually happened. It is over 25 years old now and still works great on my truck.
If it's like the old one I still use, when you pull up on the antenna, it folds over. I thought I broke mine as well.:cool:
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