Don't do it on my account, it's been a few years since I've messed with an antenna and I'm not sure when I will again. I need to do maintenance on the quad this fall, but I'm good there. I really only hang out here to aggravate you guys But seriously, if you wanted to start a topic on the 259b, I'm sure it would be informational as I suspect (I could be wrong) most people use theirs as an expensive SWR meter.I'de be happy to look up my data on said topic if you would like, however, I think it would be worthy of its own thread...
The DB
Seriously though, I'm in one of those "radio down times" and I'm not sure where I'm going when I get time again. But if I remember, you could figure out if the antenna was capacitive or inductive if you knew how to work with complex impedances you just had to switch modes a few times and do some math. I'll dig it out next week and play with it on both my antenna and a dummy load.
I would be interested in the info on that 222 phase meter, for someone who works on antennas daily it could come in real handy maybe.