You can Google this stuff all day long, but the proof of any antenna is with hands on use and testing. I'd rather hear real time user reviews over all the crap there is on Google.
I think this is a good thread, and I've been a ham since 1977 and have tried and experimented with dozens of antennas, we didn't have the luxury of using Google back in those days , we had to try them and discuss the results with other hams.
My experience with Comet, and Diamond, has been they both make a good antenna, usually well made, and built to last. You can get a gain antenna for your HT, contrary to what some say, just try your standard duck on distant repeaters, get some reports then put on one of the " gain" antennas which are longer and resonate better and you'll see the difference. I have tested a few gain antennas on local repeaters, and have been told that with 1 watt I am full quieting into the machine. I put the standard antenna that comes with the radio on and do the same 1 watt test, and I'm barely able to hold the repeater up with it, they seem to be as efficient as a dummy load. I recently picked up a new Wouxun KG-UV6X the commecial version, and replaced the standard rubber duck with a Comet hi gain model 24 and its like day and night, the Comet antenna brings up repeaters that the standard duck cant even hear. The Comet is about 16 inches long or there abouts but it does not unbalance the HT when I set it on the table. I haven't tried the Diamond on it just the Comet so far. Gain figures don't mean a lot to me, what matters is how well it works or doesnt work.
Thanks for your reply. I hate it when people say Google it. Google isn't the answer all the time. It does take people doing hands on and like aome of us just dont have the time or money to do just that.