Well Done, PsiDOC.
I broke my own rule and paid attention to the speculations that this antenna could not be properly duplicated until the exact same type coax was employed. It appears you have done it otherwise, and beat me to it in the process.
Perhaps the one imperative question to be answered is whether this one puts the same gain on the horizon the original is said to be doing.
Thanks for posting up. Now I guess I'll have it to do.
There's a lot of naysayers and self proclaimed experts about Homer. However you never know till you try. It's quite a simple antenna. No fancy tuning circuits or coils to get wrong, just the matching stub which it seems I need to develop further.

I get a kick out of making antennas out of bits of wire and feedline - my first antenna was a home made end fed zepp made from ladder line and wire, so this was right up my street.
As a footnote. Using the maths derived from the stub point location with RG58 vs Stub point on the original I can safely say the VF of the coax used in the original to be approx 0.78 which falls in line with the foam dielectric, so we can even speculate what coax was used in the original with greater accuracy.
@ Shockwave.
Have a lump of westflex W103 here. I know it's an air spaced dielectric however it's about the lowest loss coax I know of thats readily available, and indeed lower loss than RG303. Would that be ok for the matching stub?
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