fwiu a ohm meter can't measure the impedance of a antenna . a ohm meter doesn't know what frequency you're trying to tune to and can't generate a signal on that frequency to tune with . if i'm wrong and there is a way to do it please describe how to do it .
i've never seen a sirio vector 4000 in person but there are many comments about it's physical construction not being very substantial . i've seen videos of them and didn't care for how ...... flexable ... they are . that'a why i suggested a penetrator 500 or a gainmaster for your use in south carolina .
i'll suggest not using plumbers tape for modifying the insulator on the gamma . i tried it and didn't like it . i think moisture got in mine and caused some VSWR fluctuating . i used Homerbb's pex idea and it worked fine . i let it hang about 1/2 a inch below the bottom of the gamma rod and sealed that little 1/2 inch bottom section with silicone , i also put some on the rod itself befor i permantly put on the pex insulator so water doesn't get in it and to keep the rod from moving in the insulator . the bottom of my gamma tube is open .