Hello All: Yeah this ain't right. Got a neighbor a few miles down the road with a pair of 3CX1500A7's and when first fired it, it heated up the room NOT RIGHT!
After costly repairs and proper impedance matching and the proper bias circuit and tuning the amp settled down and did the usual output and with a Temp-O-Matic indicator on top the amp above the tubes it was around 95 to 105 F. Also installed meters to keep an eye on the grid current and other voltages and currents.
Hope your not over driving the amp. The thing to know is that a few more watts doesn't mean anything as it takes at least 6 dB or 4 times the power to show a real increase. So many operators have squeezed too many watts out trying to max it all out at the cost of expen$ive Tubes and transistors. Not worth it, unless you just have to see the watt meter go over farther.
Jay in the Great Mojave Desert