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How common is SSB on 2 meters and 70 centimeters?

Turbo T

Certified CB Rambo
Feb 2, 2011
I've heard people do run sideband on either of these frequencies, but how often? I'm beginning to wonder if I should sell off my FT-7900 and my FT-2800 and buy a sideband rig for 2 M/70 CM?

Also will they sound like Donald Duck on either 2 M/70 CM like they do on 11 M CB when someone is on SSB and you're on basic AM?

It's not worth killing yourself over.

However, by all means, upgrade to an FT857!

All-mode HF/VHF/UHF.

Also, if they sound like donald duck, you're not centered on their TX frequency. Use the RIT/Clarifier, that's what it is there for.
Amateur 2m ssb equipment is generally well made and you're not going get that cheesy CB, no ALC SSB sound. It will sound like SSB on a good hf ssb rig.

A 2m ssb rig isn't worth it to me. Very few people running 2m ssb to begin with and you really need a tower, directional antennas and an amp to get a decent signal out there.
Thanks, I understand the "Donald Duck" thing....when I used to do 11 meter CB, anytime I stumbled on channels 36-39 and heard "Donald Duck" meant someone was on SSB and I needed to flip over to sideband. I just wans't sure if it sounded the same on 2 meter as it does on 11 meter.
The number of people on SSB on VHF/UHF varies greatly depending on your area. Remember, most SSB VHF/UHF work is on a horizontally polarized antenna. You can do it with anything, but cross-polarization attenuation on VHF/UHF is a killer. Ask around on some on some of your local FM frequencies to see if there are others that use SSB. You might be pleasantly surprised.
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I had a friend that was real into 2m SSB, he could talk hundreds of miles, far beyond line of site, with less than 100 watts. basically everything I thought I knew about VHF, well I had to rethink it. I know for 2 meters they made several rigs that are now discontinued, and seems like I recall seeing an old rig from the late 70s with SSB, however I have never seen a SSB rig for 440, only transverters, which I think would be the cheapest way to go for SSB. Typically they HF rig on 10 meters with transverter to get to 2m and 70cm. A re purposed CB might work nicely to drive the transverter also.
my IC-7000 works great on VHF & UHF SSB
Yes it is possible to talk a couple hundred miles easily.

So long as a good antenna..
Height works well..
Decent radio/mike..
No real need to have more then 100 watts ( i don't )

However it also depends on the area you are in.
But if you can easily get out a 2-300 miles..then you should be able to hear ( especially on contests .. although i am not much into those )
I had a friend that was real into 2m SSB, he could talk hundreds of miles, far beyond line of site, with less than 100 watts. basically everything I thought I knew about VHF, well I had to rethink it. I know for 2 meters they made several rigs that are now discontinued, and seems like I recall seeing an old rig from the late 70s with SSB, however I have never seen a SSB rig for 440, only transverters, which I think would be the cheapest way to go for SSB. Typically they HF rig on 10 meters with transverter to get to 2m and 70cm. A re purposed CB might work nicely to drive the transverter also.





Yaesu also made a UHF version of this portable radio:


It depends what part of the country you live in for ssb on 2 meters. When I ran ssb I ran 75 watts to a 8 element beam if I remember from Southern INDIANA, and could work..Tenn, Alabama, Florida in the evenings, and the antenna was at 45 feet....A few big storms took the system down, but I always found it fun to have a distant qso on 2 meters...by all means I would own a FT857d all mode, all band..I have had one for 3 or 4 years..it does all I want..
I am interested in home-mobile simplex communications. If I've got a gain antenna about 30' up can I get better reception on sideband rather than FM? Both antennas will be vertical. I am having trouble finding ssb rigs other than Yaesu FT8xx. Does Icom make any?
I am interested in home-mobile simplex communications. If I've got a gain antenna about 30' up can I get better reception on sideband rather than FM? Both antennas will be vertical. I am having trouble finding ssb rigs other than Yaesu FT8xx. Does Icom make any?

IC-7000 currently and IC-706's. Both mobiles. The 706's were replaced by the IC-7000, but there are still plenty of new IC-706's on dealer's shelves.

They used to make some all mode base units. Not sure if they still do.
We have several 2 meter SSB nets during the week in my area. If you miss the nets you pretty much have to bribe someone away from the repeater to QSY.

When I started out, I used my Dad's Gonset GSB 900A Sidewinder for 2 meters and on 6 meters we had a Gonset GSB 910A. Both had 20 watts input. Still have both units.

There were plenty of people to talk to. Then our first permanent 2 meter repeater came online in 1977 and just about everyone hung out on it and still do today.

I just never got the fascination with 2 meter repeaters and pretty much avoid them. The guys that check into the nets are old timers and are dwindling away. I haven't heard any new guys check in for awhile. It's a shame cause you hear a lot of repeater junkies running mult-mode rigs, but you can't drag them away from the "machine".

You should at least find out if SSB is active in your area, and if so, give it a whirl.
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The attached PDF file is emailed out DAILY. Synopsis of US VHF/UHF activity from the previous day. You will be surprised. I look foward to reading it every day. Lots of neat pictures of stations, antennas, etc.

Stan will gladly add you to his email list.


I have 30 states, and 10 DXCC on 2M SSB using a Yaesu FT-857, a home made 5 element Yagi, and a 160W Mirage amp.

The antenna was from an old QST article on converting a 6 element Radio Shack FM antenna to 2M use. Works great, and all though that antenna is no longer made, it's very easy to make a nice Yagi from old TV antenna parts.

Activity will depend on your location.

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