When I got there this year, the outlet cover on the generator was missing. My guess is that someone broke it when they discovered that the genius that wired the outlets onto the generator wired them wrong, or it caught fire at some point and melted the plate. My CFL bulb did not blow this year and there was no arcing when I plugged things in!Well if a bulb blew when it was plugged in I would say the voltage was wrong. One thing I ALWAYS do with generators, including my own every time I use it, is check the output voltage at the plug I am plugging into. If they were running two separate cords it is possible one may have had an end installed by someone wrong. BRASS colored terminal gets the BLACK wire, SILVER colored terminal gets the WHITE wire and the GROUND goes to the GREEN terminal. I have seen them wired white to brass and black to silver. easy way to remember is B to B and G to G and the W by default goes to the silver(white?) terminal. It is possible in this case for each cord to work by itself albeit with a shock hazard with one of them by causing a hot chassis. When both cords were run to a distribution box it is possible that the phasing was wrong and resulted in 240 volts on a 120 volt outlet. Several times I have needed 240 volts when only 120 was available and by using two separate 120 volt circuits I was able to make a temporary 240 volt source available at the workbench.
The warning sign should have been that all those things happened at the same time last year.
The bad thing about it was - that it was raining and there was at least one inch of water everywhere on the ground last year.
Not the best time to be playing around with electricity.
Maybe something was shorting out or was miswired - my guess is that the two pronged plugs were reversed and it tripped the breaker on the power supply when the ground fought against the hot.. But I didn't complain too loud, else they might have told me to get lost... If you read what I previously wrote, they had these MFJ power meters on all of the power strips.