this was posted on my FB page i will cut and paste my FB reply which abit of a description and my thoughts but you need to see the photos in the link to the original article below but what i am asking what type of antenna is it and how do it work any links to articles about this antenna would be handy is interesting ...reading the text it appears that the vertical stub don't touch the main radiator so not like a j pole ..the coax that go up the center of the tube the center of the coax is connected to only the stub that is not connected to the main tube ..the brade is connected to the main i guess the stub must be capacitively coupling to the main radiator like the inner rod on a gamma match don't physically touch the outer tube ...tonight i will ask on the world wide DX forum ..some clever bods on thier ...i have a feeling more maybe going on with this antenna than is 1st apparent.... EDIT i am guessing the radials are not ground radials but a captacant hat
Thanks dave
Thanks dave