How much can the Screen Voltage vary?
Is it like the Control Grid where it must be exactly what datasheet states?
Or can it vary a bit like the other tube grids & filament?
Everything I find online concerns Screen Current and that's addressed by the control boards.
Datasheets state the same value regardless of the other conditions. Will +/- 5 volts matter much for grid-driven DC grounded K?
neil Happy New Year, Hope for Peace in Ukraine.
Is it like the Control Grid where it must be exactly what datasheet states?
Or can it vary a bit like the other tube grids & filament?
Everything I find online concerns Screen Current and that's addressed by the control boards.
Datasheets state the same value regardless of the other conditions. Will +/- 5 volts matter much for grid-driven DC grounded K?
neil Happy New Year, Hope for Peace in Ukraine.