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(G7w..) in this country they dropped the Morse. New exams start off with the foundation and then 1st pass all hf at 10watts- two more exams to full license etc. G=UK A-ONWARDS=Year.etc.
CB Radio operator AM/SSB March of 1985 to January 2008 , but most knew that already . April of 1998 to January 2008 Internet . April of 99 to January 2008 cell phone user. Non-Ham should this truly mean something to me ? I don't use the equipment nor do I use unauthorized frequancies.(other then the freeband) I could take the tests but there's no need and nor has there been a need for getting on 25 years now. Now I could take the tests and pass with ease , but it would only be for me to be able to say that I did. Other then that , I personally don't see the point. Although I do know the differances , IM still just a cb'er. (until somebody tells me I can't be)
Coax question. I just put up a new Sirio monsoon base antenna with 100’ of rg8u coax testing with myMFJ antenna analyzer shows 1.4 swr at 26.965mhz and a 1.1 at 27.405 mhz . When I checked the ohms it’s steady a 30 ohms across the entire bandwidth.
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