Kenwood TS-50 SSB ham radio uses two 2SC2879 to get 100 Watts PEP.
They last 25 years or longer that way. The SWR-shutdown protection helps, of course.
I learned to ask wattmeter worshippers how many times they want it to key before it blows up. Five?
Two dozen?
A hundred, or maybe more?
I call this the "KBK" rating of the amplfier, as in how many "Keys Between Kabooms" they want to get.
Not so different from "how many horsepower can I get from eight cylinders?".
Do you want it to last the whole quarter mile? Or twice? Ten shots?
Or do you want it to last one whole round-and-round race before it blows?
Or do you want to drive it to work Monday morning? More than once?
The stress placed on a machine and its parts dictates its service life.
Push it harder. Breaks sooner.
A 2SC2879 is a machine, technically. Converts power from one form to another.
Stress is stress. Whether it's a transistor or a V-8, the same rules apply.