No i don't have it backwards in this case,
for a given output nothing pulls current like a comp style cb amp on stock volts,
normally class C amps designed with correct load lines for stock voltage would pull less current than a class AB amp, you would expect something like 40% vs 55-60-% efficiency for properly designed amps,
neither will run on 18v or more making significantly more output without exceeding maximum device current or dissipation,
comp style amps are not designed with normal load lines, you don't want the same amp for stock volts as you would use in a keydown on 18-21v but that is what you get,
they are drag race amps designed for higher than stock voltage to allow more output without exceeding maximum device current, efficiency on stock voltage SHIT,
w8ji made an interesting post on Eham about what transistors can actually output when pushed into deep class C on close to breakdown voltage with the correct load impedance if imd was of no concern,
some Hambones with a little but not enough knowledge were rubbishing cbers for claiming higher than datasheet output for 2879's, w8ji set them straight