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how much power?


Active Member
Nov 18, 2009
West Virginia
I am currently running about 50 watts how many watts would i have to increase to notice a difference. I know there is something about doubleing or tripleing but i can't remember which.

I am currently running about 50 watts how many watts would i have to increase to notice a difference. I know there is something about doubleing or tripleing but i can't remember which.

Sp5it was correct.

I will just explain it a different way..

Every 3 db your output power doubles ..if you are putting out 50 watts out of the transmitter but are using a 3db antenna...your effective radiated power would be 100 watts.
If you used a 6db antenna your effective radiating power would be 200 watts.

Every 6 db you gain one S unit....... so to gain one s unit you, would need 6db gain.
So to gain one s unit, you need to multiply your output power x 4 (6db).

If were running 50 watts, and wanted to gain 1 s unit, you would need to increase your output power to 200 watts.

This is where the idea of "doubling your output power to make any real difference" comes from. Power increase are only worth while in 3db increments ( 3 db minimum).
So to make any real difference, you need to double your output power...or gain 3db.
If you gained 6 db ( 4 times the power), the rxing radio would only see an increase of 1 s unit.

So the rule of thumb is double your power to make any real worthwhile difference....4 times the power if you want to gain 1 s unit.
This is usually the rule of thumb for FM..... but with cb (am) its a little different because you have carrierpower ( dead key) and audio peak power ( swing).

If your putting out 1000 watts peak... people would say " whats the use of only gaining 400 watts?"
If you were only putting out 200 watts deadkey and swinging to 1000 watts.... you would notice a big difference if your power increased to 400 watts swinging to 1200 (400 watts increase).
The peak power hasn't increased much.... but your the carrier power has doubled.
So you have gone from 200 watts at 100% modulation....to 400 watts at 100% modulation.
There will be a noticable difference.

With cb its a little tricky....

I'm rambling..........

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