OK, so I understand, what you transmit as in modulation
would sound different than the modulation from a talkback?
I am not familiar with talkback as I do not use it.
I thought over modulation would show-up either place,
as an over modulated voice sound.
The unit I was looking for to link to, is not on e-bay right
now. That one connected with a coax jumper between the
antenna and the transmitter.
Then headphones would plug into that.
That unit would monitor the sound, the way you are indicating
would be more accurate.
would sound different than the modulation from a talkback?
I am not familiar with talkback as I do not use it.
I thought over modulation would show-up either place,
as an over modulated voice sound.
The unit I was looking for to link to, is not on e-bay right
now. That one connected with a coax jumper between the
antenna and the transmitter.
Then headphones would plug into that.
That unit would monitor the sound, the way you are indicating
would be more accurate.