I was away from home when I made my last post, and got the figures for the 2SC2999 wrong. Actuallly, the Hfe range is 40-200, and the current gain ranges for the C, D, and E versions are 40-80, 60-100, and 100-200.
The 2SC1764L which is standard equipment in most high end CBs and Exports is rated Hfe = 90-180. So... If your rig happens to have a really good 1764L, and you replace it with a so-so 2999E, there could actually be a decrease in performance, because decreased gain = decreased sensitivity. The best solution is to use a VOM with a built-in transistor tester and see what you got. The 2SC1730L in my 858 rig measured an Hfe of 96. My distributor here let me go through his bin of 2999Es and cherry-pick the 50 best. Most were in the 160-180 range. Of the 200 or so I checked, the best one measured 183 on my meter.
BTW... There is only a 1db difference in Noise Figure between the 1764L (3db) and the 2999E (2db). This is barely discernible. So just make sure the transistor that's in there has really high gain. If you have a 1764 with a Hfe of 130 or better leave it alone and just do the schottky diode mod. Anyone out there REALLY know why the schottky diode mod works??
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SO Like I said in my first post here.
I just did this receive upgrade to my texas ranger tr696f ssb and my galaxy DX959 and I actually think it made the receive worse, and I got the good part too, NOT FROM EBAY. I also did a re alignment with still no better.
I have a OLD sears road talker 40 ssb slantface and it receives up to 4 s units that the other 2 don't even pick up.