I just read EVERY post in this thread. Just sayin'
edit: I also read every post in the QRZ thread. Props to Tom for sharing his experience in that thread.
It was very in depth and informative. Now I am off to build a 8 x 2SC2879 amplifier and only drive it to 100 watts per device 40-50 watts drive power @ 14-16VDC?, with 20 amp collector fuses and protection relays (nice idea Shockwave!) With regulated biasing, I guess at 100ma per device (some help here?), separate bias circuit per pair of transistors, with negative feedback, and I will use an input low pass and output lowpass filter for each band I plan on using it on.
And when I use it on 80-10 meters and tell them it's a homebrew solid state using 2SC2879's and they start barking about IMD, I will DARE their old crotchety asses to bring a spectrum analyzer and $100 cuz they gonna owe me $100 when it checks out clean.
Thanks again for all the discussion. It's what this hobby needs, even if it gets heated at times, it's OK, things do change. People DO use solid state these days, and the precious modern HF rigs DO have a output circuit similar to what's in a Palomar, Texas Star etc, and they CAN be dirtier than your solid state amp, especially the "compact HF All band models" for 12V use. Anyway I'll stop ranting about that. I love the "old" hams, they are a gift to the amateur radio community, with their wealth of knowledge and experience, but the ones that are truly open-minded are the best ones of all. Being a "young" ham is tough on HF sometimes, I suspect that's why a lot of young hams are on 38LSB and 39LSB even though they got their ticket and the equipment. Me personally, I make them get along with me (the old hams), and it usually works out just fine, it's my band(s) too darnit!