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Base Hy-Gain Super Penetrator 500


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
I'm rebuilding an old Hy-Gain Super Penetrator that I came across. I noticed that the driven element and the beta are both broken. The wire is 1/8 inch aluminum wire, which I can get my hands on. But, upon thinking about it, I'm wondering if making new ones out of 1/8 inch brass rod stock might not be better. But the question I have is what will that do as far as capacitance and swr? Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

After the second aluminum rod, I finally managed to get the driven and beta measured, bent, cut and added to the antenna. Everything has been scrubbed with a stainless steel pad and all joints have copper paste on them. The radials are all clamped together at 105 inches and will be bolted to the antenna on Saturday morning. The antenna is currently in two sections, waiting for Saturday me to connect them. Currently, I have it all measured at 22 feet, 5 inches. I'll use the antenna analyzer to check SWR and see where it's resonant at. I did order some 1/8th inch brass rod in case something happens to the aluminum ones I made. This thing might just come back to life after all!
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Good deal. Let us know how it turns out. If you can, would like to see what the bandwidth is from what ever the center is to 1.5 SWR on both ends.
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Good deal. Let us know how it turns out. If you can, would like to see what the bandwidth is from what ever the center is to 1.5 SWR on both ends.
I'm curious myself about the bandwidth. I'll let you know sometime Saturday afternoon....providing that it doesn't rain me out. I read somewhere that the set-up was something like 22 feet, 9 1/2 inches to be resonant at 27.205 I figured I'd start short and see what the analyzer tells me.
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When the 40 channel radios came out in 1977 the P500 manual set the new length at 22' 6' to cover the higher frequencies allowed. Here is a copy of the 1981 manual.


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Thus far this morning, I assembled the antenna and attached it to a seven foot pole in the middle of the yard. I started at 22 feet, 5 inches. Resonance was in the high side of 26 mhz. I took in 1 and 1/2 inches, which brought resonance to the loser side of 27mhz. Next, I took in 2 inches and resonance is currently right at 27.185 with SWR@1.13 But I'm not through yet, because I have this stupid perfectionist habit that I just can't seem to kick. I had to take a break because I've already sweated a few gallons of water! More info will be posted this evening. I may include a few pictures of this old monster!
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I think the deed is done...short of mounting it on my 55 foot Rohn Tower. Before I do that, I'm going to take a final measurement of the antenna and post if for anyone to review later. The final reading has the low end of the antenna at 26.900mhz and the high end at 27.600mhz. Resonance is at 27.300mhz. The SWR at 27.300mhz is 1.13 and the bandwidth is actually slightly wider than 26.900mhz and 27.600mhz. What I am showing is what was at, or below, 1.5 SWR between those frequencies. I used my antenna analyzer to arrive at these readings.


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Glad you got it working. Wish I could find a new old stock. I would install it right now.

Bandwidth looks good. You got the upper SSB channels covered, and the international call frequency 27.555 covered too. What was the final main radiator length?
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LOL .....Watch out what you wish for........
I have a NOS (late 70's to early 80"s), brand new in the box, box definitely has some wear and tear.......
The antenna has been well protected.......
Trust me, I am always on a perpetual search for replacement antennas in the event something goes wrong with this one. But I will also say this; I am not, nor have I ever been, someone to stand by when a challenge presents itself. I am fortunate to have grown up in a family that wasn't privileged and had to make ways for the improvement of our circumstance. In short...we worked smart and hard! My dad was a welder, mechanic and fixer of all that had seen a better day. I learned early on how to adapt and overcome things that most others would give up on. Plus....Like you, I plan! LOL
I was quite surprised at how consistent my numbers were when the antenna was hoisted 55 feet onto the Rohn Tower. Actually, some even improved. Anyway.....it's mounted on the tower and you can sure tell the difference between the Penetrator and the Antron 99. I need a new project! LOL
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I thought I'd add this photo that I took during the process. I think this was the second reading I got while setting up the antenna. The curser in the photo shows to be sitting right at 27.185mhz. These analyzers sure are pretty cool!


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Great antenna, you will be 'walkin the dog' with that, as they use to say.
I remember lots of people using these back in the early 80s.
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