I doubt it, they have had long enough & done nothing but trim the end of the top coupling capacitor a bit neater because people were smoking them with 1pill amps,
if the tubes were a snug fit they would be stronger at the joints, its a good idea to wrap something round the bottom of each section so its a tight fit before you gently snug the hose clamps,
if they put something around the hole they drill for the coax it would not split from the hole up and fold at the coil former as readily,
if they used fatter lower loss coax for the stub & coax above the stub they could reduce loss in that part on the antenna by 50% or more & increase power handling,
6 shorter sections would be nice,
better still just make us an aluminum gainmaster from vector 4000 & sirio 827 tubes,
use fat coax throughout in any color but sun bleached pink.
if the tubes were a snug fit they would be stronger at the joints, its a good idea to wrap something round the bottom of each section so its a tight fit before you gently snug the hose clamps,
if they put something around the hole they drill for the coax it would not split from the hole up and fold at the coil former as readily,
if they used fatter lower loss coax for the stub & coax above the stub they could reduce loss in that part on the antenna by 50% or more & increase power handling,
6 shorter sections would be nice,
better still just make us an aluminum gainmaster from vector 4000 & sirio 827 tubes,
use fat coax throughout in any color but sun bleached pink.