You guys that aren't licensed (Marconi, hotrod) are giving bad information and are not helping this guy out at all. Try actually studying a little bit about what the ticket can be used for before pitching in your uneducated 2 cents. Also try actually being out in an offroad survival situation before recommending what will work there. I'm sorry...I'm usually the peace maker and am the last person here to stir it up, but you guys are talking out of your ass, and I'm calling you on it this time.
I am a seasoned off roader...and I'm not talking about taking a drive out into the mud patch outside of town where you can walk back to town if you get stuck. I'm talking about 8000 feet, up in the mountains, on a back trail where the only person that is going to help you if your axle breaks is your other buddies and God. Or how about out in the Mojave Desert or Death Valley where it's 115-120 degrees, the land has 3000 foot elevation changes and the terrain is made up of volcanic rock that even the lizards don't want to sun bathe on. Pack your food, water, clothes, gas, everything in and out because you can't rely on anything except yourself and what you bring.
CB/FRS/GMRS is a WASTE OF TIME when off road, unless you live in Kansas or some other flat land, and even then it's questionable. CB, FRS, or GMRS won't be able to get through the canyons, hills, mountains, valley, even through 2 bends around the next hill and through the next gulley on the trail. When the vehicles get spread out, you need something that will be able to bounce around the hills, peaks, and valleys. FRS/GMRS won't do it (too high in frequency) and CB won't do it (not enough power that low in frequency). 144Mhz or 220 Mhz is what you need. If all you've got is a CB and an FRS radio, in an emergency situation where you need to call help, you might as well just shout your lungs out, because it end up in the same result. There is more to having an effective off road radio solution that standing 10 feet away as a spotter. You need to be able to do that, plus communicate on the trail in various terrains and be able to contact someone in the State you're in when an emergency happens
Only ham radio satisfies these requirements. There are no "stuffy hams" that are going to discourage you from doing this. Don't listen to those who have no knowledge of what you're up against in this application; listen to those with the experience. Tell anyone that wants to quote the FCC regs to come here and talk to me. I'll be happy to set them straight.
Marconi...maybe you should try listening into some Ham frequencies for a while. You might be surprised out how similar to CB radio it really is.