Something tells me you will not be happy, he isn't gonna do your traditional "peak n' tune"..
You will get a clean radio from 163 HardDrive, I don't think he does "swing" or "loud" though, he is pretty good at getting those type of techs looked down upon. *truckerized* :/ To each his own.
Can't please everyone, but something tells me he has too much pride and ego to release a "splatter box" onto the unsuspecting public, lmao. I use that term loosely, if you talk 28 and I hear you on 27/29 I can live with that, but if your on 6 and I hear you on 19, somethings way wrong!
Anyway we could create a whole thread/debate on the topic of "tunes" as relating to AM, some techs only do factory tunes, some do mild modifications, and some do "hacks"; with the latter tending to be on the nastier end of the spectrum.
Some people who want "loud and proud" may not like 100% modulation, some want the setup to "swang the thang" and are not happy until it works "the right way"; you know that "gotta turn the volume down" type of loud.
I hope i'm wrong but I don't see Fine Tune with any modded asymmetrical or over-modulated radios.
"Clean and clear" is what he sells AFAIK, that and the idea that a "more pure signal gets out better"...
but yeah ask him, and ask around maybe someone can help.
If you lived on the east coast I would recommend Bells CB, for what you want.