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I guess that I am making some kind of mistake here??

Why me, I'm not a Tech anymore, but alright. You two are older than me and I was taught to respect my elders. I don't want y'all falling down the steps and breaking your hips...

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Hello Gentlemen, and please allow me to apologize as I probably got emotional and forgot about the link? And thanks to all who offered words of encouragement, not to mention the humor & laughter. . . It served to help change my mood to a happy and serene state of mind! Although, I am still scratching my head ,regarding the multiple remarks of "He always ends his posts the same way? One would think that a man who worked almost his entire life as as E.R. Physician and Cardiologist, would remember the golden rule? NEVER EVER!! Allow yourself to become emotionally involved with your patient. Believe it or not, for most M.D.s' this seemed to be a simple if not an effortless accomplishment! Well I guess that I have failed at that part of my medical training as well. (Especially when it involved ped's ) In any case thank you for reminding me, just how much the PEOPLE of the hobby, sort of became friends and others very close friends? and many thanks to all of you gentleman & Ladies, as well as this forum. Perhaps my wife is correct, as after reading some of your replies they changed my mood immediately, (or at least that is what she says wife!!) She went on to say that I spent over an hour pulling out my rig and mic's, and mady a mess for her to clean!!. And her last comment was "Am I going to have to live with all of the light in the house blinking! (she was referring to the linear, but didn't know what to call it, she refused to ever pick up the mic to talk ever!!Of course she had to add that. . . I will be in my shack and she will never see me again! And called herself a Ham Radio Widow! As for the link I will try and find the proper method since I am only here a short time, he he Hee!
P.S. When you guys hear what I have planed, as far as the re_bulding of my shack. . . I don't feel that the FCC will be happy with me LOL Dr. Thomas Contartesi F.C.A.A.
Hello Gentlemen, and please allow me to apologize as I probably got emotional and forgot about the link? And thanks to all who offered words of encouragement, not to mention the humor & laughter. . . It served to help change my mood to a happy and serene state of mind! Although, I am still scratching my head ,regarding the multiple remarks of "He always ends his posts the same way? One would think that a man who worked almost his entire life as as E.R. Physician and Cardiologist, would remember the golden rule? NEVER EVER!! Allow yourself to become emotionally involved with your patient. Believe it or not, for most M.D.s' this seemed to be a simple if not an effortless accomplishment! Well I guess that I have failed at that part of my medical training as well. (Especially when it involved ped's ) In any case thank you for reminding me, just how much the PEOPLE of the hobby, sort of became friends and others very close friends? and many thanks to all of you gentleman & Ladies, as well as this forum. Perhaps my wife is correct, as after reading some of your replies they changed my mood immediately, (or at least that is what she says wife!!) She went on to say that I spent over an hour pulling out my rig and mic's, and mady a mess for her to clean!!. And her last comment was "Am I going to have to live with all of the light in the house blinking! (she was referring to the linear, but didn't know what to call it, she refused to ever pick up the mic to talk ever!!Of course she had to add that. . . I will be in my shack and she will never see me again! And called herself a Ham Radio Widow! As for the link I will try and find the proper method since I am only here a short time, he he Hee!
P.S. When you guys hear what I have planed, as far as the re_bulding of my shack. . . I don't feel that the FCC will be happy with me LOL Dr. Thomas Contartesi F.C.A.A.
By this what I mean is. . . . . I am just re_entering the ham radio hobby after being away from it for some 22 + yrs, but I must have unintentionally posted in the wrong area? Since I haven't gotten a reply, for what I thought was a simple question?. . . . . So I can't help but wonder??? Have things in the ARRL still the same I.E obviously very tight connections (viciously political & in control of everything, by a small tyrannical group of old FARTS & they were at the very least "Control Freaks" that almost destroyed the hobby at that time. I remember the unbelievable fights at the ARRL meetings. Now I remember how we lost the 220 band to the company "UNITED PARCEL SERVICE" As per the FCC: "THE HAM RADIO HOBBY HAS NO NEED FOR THE 220 BANDWIDTH" the ARRL has informed THE FCC operations division which of course these issues were pointed directly at the head of ARRL. The old farts! That used to stick out their chests and were chronically heard to say "IF I HAD TO TAKE AND PASS MORSE CODE WHY SHOULD THEY BE GIVEN A PASS, referring to hundreds of thousands of people that were waiting for this change, with every intention of becoming "A HAM RADIO TECHNICIAN" This was exactly my reason for leaving the hobby & was directly due to the in control of the hobby (which is why I left the hobby) At that time I was in my early 20's and I was passionately overwhelmed with Ham Radio!. . . . . . . I MUST APOLOGIZE AS MY WIFE OVERHEARD ME USING DEROGATORY REMARKS ABOUT MOST OF THESE MEN WHO ARE LIKELY CROSSED OVER BY NOW, I AM A VERY RELIGIOUS PERSON, AND I FEEL IT WAS UNJUSTIFIED FOR ME TO USE SUCH LANGUAGE AND I FIND IT MOST REGRETTABLE. PERHAPS I AM TOO OLD TO TRY TO RETURN TO THE HOBBY AT MY AGE, THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH THE RAMBLINGS OF AN OLD MAN With warmest regards, Dr. Thomas Contartesi F.A.C.C.
P.S. I say this to all: please don't tell me that I shouldn't use caps, because it's the same as screaming!! I vehemently dislike political correctness, which includes a written text, God Bless.
By this what I mean is. . . . . I am just re_entering the ham radio hobby after being away from it for some 22 + yrs, but I must have unintentionally posted in the wrong area? Since I haven't gotten a reply, for what I thought was a simple question?. . . . . So I can't help but wonder??? Have things in the ARRL still the same I.E obviously very tight connections (viciously political & in control of everything, by a small tyrannical group of old FARTS & they were at the very least "Control Freaks" that almost destroyed the hobby at that time. I remember the unbelievable fights at the ARRL meetings. Now I remember how we lost the 220 band to the company "UNITED PARCEL SERVICE" As per the FCC: "THE HAM RADIO HOBBY HAS NO NEED FOR THE 220 BANDWIDTH" the ARRL has informed THE FCC operations division which of course these issues were pointed directly at the head of ARRL. The old farts! That used to stick out their chests and were chronically heard to say "IF I HAD TO TAKE AND PASS MORSE CODE WHY SHOULD THEY BE GIVEN A PASS, referring to hundreds of thousands of people that were waiting for this change, with every intention of becoming "A HAM RADIO TECHNICIAN" This was exactly my reason for leaving the hobby & was directly due to the in control of the hobby (which is why I left the hobby) At that time I was in my early 20's and I was passionately overwhelmed with Ham Radio!. . . . . . . I MUST APOLOGIZE AS MY WIFE OVERHEARD ME USING DEROGATORY REMARKS ABOUT MOST OF THESE MEN WHO ARE LIKELY CROSSED OVER BY NOW, I AM A VERY RELIGIOUS PERSON, AND I FEEL IT WAS UNJUSTIFIED FOR ME TO USE SUCH LANGUAGE AND I FIND IT MOST REGRETTABLE. PERHAPS I AM TOO OLD TO TRY TO RETURN TO THE HOBBY AT MY AGE, THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH THE RAMBLINGS OF AN OLD MAN With warmest regards, Dr. Thomas Contartesi F.A.C.C.
P.S. I say this to all: please don't tell me that I shouldn't use caps, because it's the same as screaming!! I vehemently dislike political correctness, which includes a written text, God Bless.
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first, welcome to the forum!

you have to understand that we get some crazy first posts on this forum, and our collective 'BS receptors' are usually set at close to full sensitivity because of the bots and trolls we get.

Here's the deal with regard to the ham/ CB radio community as it is these days.

yes, both sides can be a bit snooty when discussing the 'other half' of the radio hobby, but in general, most people are into both ham and CB radio.

for many, it just depends on which band is active at the time they are in front of their radio.

there are certain forums and sites that don't see things this way, and you can get beaten up pretty quickly for asking about things that don't adhere to the forum's collective mindset.

This forum is not like that. most of the people that populate the ham sections also come over to the CB sections from time to time, and vice versa.
here, we are radio geeks and it doesn't much matter where you spend most of your time.

that being said, we have plenty of radio related arguments here also. if someone were to go to one of the ham radio sections and ask about clipping the modulation limiter in their Icom 756 PRO, then they are going to get laughed at and told what a terrible idea that would be.

if someone comes to the CB section and tells everyone there that only 100% stock radios should be used on the CB frequencies, they are probably not going to like the responses they get either.

When it comes to code/no-code ham tickets, that is an old fight and isn't nearly the bone of contention it was 25+ years ago. sure, there are snobby hams and A-hole CBers around, but as im sure you know, they are part of the fun of the hobby just like anything else.

now, we are all waiting with baited breath to see what question you asked that caused you to have to run for the fire extinguisher?
Hey, Doc.
Couldn't help but notice your original post included negativity, name-calling and telling people what they can't do.
No worries! You'll fit right in here! Welcome to WWDX! :D
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Yep we ragged but we real ,n damm bold too
Boy I never expected to cause so many ripples in the day? First let me thank all of you for your generous and kind words, as well as the warm welcome that all of you have extended to me. I thought that I did send to all what my original thread was. But in any case I will repeat it. While I was involved in changing out my finals (Radio Model Rci 2950, original version) I had not noticed that there was a Varactor diode that was glued to the front of the final, I mistanley thought that over several decades that it just got stuck to the front of the final from age? So I used a small flat head screwdriver and tried to pry it away from the final so that I could continue removing the final. . . . . Of course to my luck the Mv1y Varactor diode broke in half! I then proceeded to call myself somethings that I would prefer not to repeat here! But the worst part is no matter how many parts distributors that I checked with, none of them had any in stock. So I asked someone for a sub that I could use in place of it? And I was told that a 1n914 diode could be used, and another friend stated that I would be better off using an NTE 610 and that it was a better choice and is a spec. match. well what my intention is to replace the sc2312 original finals with the more powerful MRF 497. . . So I guess my question is which diode would be the better, also even though I have the old standard white compound thermal paste on hand, I felt that using what I have been using for many years would be better, which is Arctic Arctic Alumina which I have been using when ever I build a new pc Motherboard for use as the CPU heat sink, one thing for sure It ain't cheap (probably cause of it's ingredients !00% pure silver with added ceramic paste). In any case I thought that perhaps I could receive some cogent advice from some of you Gentlemen. Thank you in advance, Tom.
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Boy are you having a day...

Yeah, welcome to the "ol' Timers - Wish It Was The Good Old Days Again" routine...

You're mentioning parts that have not been made since the Titanic Remake with Celine Dion singing the "Suicidal Soundtrack Songs Of The 90's" when Leonard Decaprio wasn't so decimated.

The MV-1Y? Any typical 1N4148 or 1N914 - SILICON not Schottky - will work. Even a Zener diode of, say 5.1 volts or so has enough of a doping junction character that when you follow polarity - as in Banded towards the banded on the silkscreen of the board - can handle the power curve the transistor exhibits.

The 2312 - gone...use 1969 or take chances...

Now in using Aluminal or conductive paste DON"T!

The paste itself can cause considerable migration of conductive film that will ruin any radio due to the thin conductive film it can leave behind.

The CPU paste is for the CPU's case - as a grounded heatsink or shield - which is what it is for, not for RF transistors and mica insulators - the conductivity of the paste will hurt the radio.
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Thanks Andy, but I already purchased the very difficult to find MRF 497 pair of finals for the express purpose of the 40 watt output of the MRF 497? Tom.
P.S. So I wonder what do I do now??
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