Why play coy just answer the question ? (quote)
Nothing "coy". I simply cannot understand your logic and I am not following your line of thought.
you know full well what the question is and you DON'T have an answer. (quote)
Oh, yes I do know the answer! FULL enforcement of Title 47, US Code in all its parts including Part 95 and Part 97. Uh, you DO know what Part 95 is, right?
Most folks NEVER read that little technicality! Or Part 97 for that matter!
The ham comunity supports "checkpoints" for inspection a clear violation of the 4th ammendment of the constition. (quote)
And WHY do you think that IS? YA reckon that if the outlaw operators that come from you-know-where would stay OUT of where they don't BELONG, they might not CARE?
And, once again, the constitution has little to do with radio: only periferally. Radio is governed by ADMINISTRATIVE LAW[/i] and
REGULATIONS that are specifically crafted to govern its use. (Same as EPA, or USDA, or OSHA). Just as one that drives a truck is responsible to READ, LEARN, and FOLLOW the regulations governing that activity, they are subject to the consequences of their ignorance of said regulations. US DOT regulations ALREADY state that in order to operate a commercial vehicle in the US, you MUST comply with ALL rules and regulations. With that in mind, you must not install or use any illegal device in your truck. A "10 Meter" radio installed in a vehicle is illegal because the operator (unless he actually holds an amateur license) will transmit with it. IOW, if not,WHY is it IN there if this is not the case? Once the driver transmits with the radio, he has committed an illegal act, thus violating Part 95 AND the Federal DOT regulations! In addition, radar detectors are already illegal in commercial trucks. Why not "10 Meter" radios since they are used to commit an illegal act both in the use on CB AND in transmitting on so-called "extra" channels!
The ham comunity supports having outlaw radios but not allowing anyone to sell them? (quote)
*I* wouldn't have one of the trashy things if they tried to give it to me! Part 97 governing amateur radio allows one to use a TOASTER if the user can get it to work and so long as it meets certain basic requirement for spectral purity. Whether YOU think it is "fair" or not, this IS the regulation(s)! Amateurs may BUILD their own transmitters from scratch if they so desire--and we DO, either from kits or by scrounging up the parts. We may also modify other transmitters to operate on the amateur bands so long as they work without causing splatter or interference to other users. We may convert CB radios to 10 Meters..........................BUT, once that is done, it may NOT EVER be returned to 27 MHZ nor may it be used as a "dual-use" transceiver. Those are the rules. You may petition for change if you wish, and that is your prerogative.
this one is very confusing to me but if you check there are outlaw 10m rigs for sale on QRN all the time the very same rigs "no real ham would be cought dead useing" (quote)
What is "QRN"? QRN= noise and interference!!!!
The ham comunity supports warentless searchs of private dwellings also a clear violation of the 4th ammendment of the constitution. (quote)
How? Where? In what way may we do anything in regard to searching private dwellings? You really need to read about HOW obedience to REGULATIONS works and how compliance is insured! READ Part 95 where it states that, in order to operate a transmitter in the US, you MUST first agree to comply with ALL regulations governing your operations. You MUST agree to having your station INSPECTED. By picking up your mike and transmitting, you are AGREEING to obey the rules! You must comply because you do not HAVE to use a radio to live, eat, breathe, or pass gas! (Well, some of us think we can't move without a cellphone stuck to our ear!
) IF you violate the rules, you will be asked to allow the agent to inspect your station. You MAY refuse, hence there is NO constitutional issue raised. The agent may not, WILL not enter your house! However, YOU transmitted with a radio the agent has tracked to your location with some VERY accurate equipment! You agreed to the inspection by transmitting as per the regulations. Reading these regulations are YOUR responsibility, so you can't plead ignorance. SO! Refusing the inspection then will cause you to be FINED for the refusal whereas if you had just let the agent IN, you might have escaped a fine with a warning. That IS the way it works!
But NO-body is going to just barge in your house without a warrant. Inspection of radio stations and the 4th amendment are TWO separate issues.
I think that should be enuff to show who it is that "thinks" they are the angels. (quote)
There is NO "moral equivilency". IOW, I can-point-fingers-at-so-n-so so-as-to-justify-what-I-am doing. If an Amateur operator is, in fact, violating the regulations, then he deserves what he gets. I hope he DOES! If a CB op is violating rules, then they should be punished under the rules of their service as well. No moral equivilency.