So I bought a TRC-448. Actually a pair of them. One of them had been treated rather rudely.
Seems a previous owner had needed to remove a part quickly, but then decided they didn't need it that badly, so they sort of threw it back in.
It was kind of an important part.
They also had pulled out the mike connector, but changed their minds on that as well.
Which means all I have to do is put those parts back in. Then locate any other missing bits, source them, and replace them. Then recap it. Then I can plug it in and see if it works at all. Good thing I have the service manual and the other 448 for an example. Provided it works.
Now to go shopping for 10 rolls of stranded hookup wire in different colors. The amount of heat shrink needed to get that mode switch back in as it is now would most likely double the weight of the radio.
Seems a previous owner had needed to remove a part quickly, but then decided they didn't need it that badly, so they sort of threw it back in.
It was kind of an important part.
They also had pulled out the mike connector, but changed their minds on that as well.
Which means all I have to do is put those parts back in. Then locate any other missing bits, source them, and replace them. Then recap it. Then I can plug it in and see if it works at all. Good thing I have the service manual and the other 448 for an example. Provided it works.
Now to go shopping for 10 rolls of stranded hookup wire in different colors. The amount of heat shrink needed to get that mode switch back in as it is now would most likely double the weight of the radio.