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I keep getting Questions about the U.P. Here is where I am.

Greg T's post brought back a memory.

After 6 years in Vietnam, I was activated for 3 months to serve as an evaluator for the Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana National guard at their summer training camps at Camp Grayling Michigan. Camp Grayling is in the Michigan UP. June thru August 1973. Reminded me of 'Nam as it rained all the time. Hot and humid (when it wasn't raining) and cold as Alaska at night. So many mosquitos that the place was always buzzing with them.

Not a fond memory.

- J.J. 399
Greg T's post brought back a memory.

After 6 years in Vietnam, I was activated for 3 months to serve as an evaluator for the Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana National guard at their summer training camps at Camp Grayling Michigan. Camp Grayling is in the Michigan UP. June thru August 1973. Reminded me of 'Nam as it rained all the time. Hot and humid (when it wasn't raining) and cold as Alaska at night. So many mosquitos that the place was always buzzing with them.

Not a fond memory.

- J.J. 399
Camp Grayling is not in the UP. It's downstate at grayling, michigan in Crawford County. We used to have K.I. Sawyer up here.
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I've never been to Michigan, but what little I've seen in pictures looks like it's beautiful. My buddy is from Green Creek Michigan. I don't see him very often but I usually text him every year when Michigan and Ohio State play football. I think I've mentioned this to you in a different thread, just can't recall which one.
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