I have not had good luck with a G5RV or similar design antenna. Burnt up a connector or two on those. So I went with a 40 meter - trapped 80 meter dipole. The feed point on the trapped dipole antenna kept getting water in it, and shorting or opening the circuit... causing nastiness.
So this morning I got up and fashioned a new, supposed earthquake-proof feed point for this trapped dipole... then dropped the antenna, removed the errant parts, and soldered (yes, SOLDERED) the feed wire / feed point assembly to the legs of the dipole and hoisted it back into the air.
Into the shack I go to test... at first everything A-OK. then, cranked up the power to 500 watts carrier... everything still A-OK. Then, the SWR starts going bananas, so I shut down quickly and made a decision to just pull the antenna for the winter... I have better things to do than fool with this problem right now.
5 minutes later I go outside to take the antenna down, and smell fire... rubber, melty fire... hey! and someone is burning leaves! Hmmmm... walk around the back of the house and the feed point is down on the ground. The plastic parts are aflame, so something must have arc'd, gotten insanely hot and exceeded the flash point of the plastic feed point housing. Once on fire, it melted right through the Dacron support line and the whole affair came crashing to the ground... setting fire to the leaves!
Stomped out the fire.
Grumbled several expletives containing letters in the word "firetruck" and headed back inside... disgusted.