From your post in the Gizmotchy thread:
"Since the Gizmotchy has +12Db gain before the add-on director; I should see a minimum of +15Db forward gain with the added director/"Power Booster..."
Ok. First, let's just assume that is DBi, and not DBd, which would be a more appropriate reference for this type of beam antenna, which is basically analogous to a 3 element yagi. Rounding numbers up to be generous, real world gain is probably closer to 7 DBi. Adding a single director element maybe gets you to 9 DBi.
Now if you had said that the Giz "claims" 12 db, you'd be all good. Words matter.
BTW, your Imax doesn't have 6 db gain over anything other than maybe a dummy load. I have an Imax and like it a lot, but it is just an end fed .64 radiator with a lossy matching circuit. At best, maybe a DB or two over a 1/2 wave dipole.
I'd like to end this feud as well, and admit to being way too impulsive sometimes. I'm also sorry for the way I spoke to you in my PM. That wasn't nice.
Again, those are the mfr's claims; not my findings.
I trust the readers are smart enough to tell the difference.
The review is slower in coming than I expected due to bad weather/thunderstorms in central cal forecast w/rain for the next few days as well.
But I can accept that you are trying to let all go too.
And that is well.