I had thought of getting a new SP-500, but we have LOT of wind up here, and wouldn't mind getting something with less wind resistance.
I remember Marconi's review of the old and new Sirio Top One antennas, but I think he notes that they don't hold up to wind real well. I live in an area where we frequently see winds up to 70 MPH, so I'm more concerned with something that could handle the wind.
Exit13, I have said what you note above about my last original Starduster, and my Old Top One I got from Coppers. They did not deal with the wind well, and I posted the specifics as to why in both cases.
My original SD'r failed because of a faulty radial/mast support bracket that came in the kit. I've had several SDr's over the years that were installed for much longer periods and none of my others ever failed. I took down an old SRr's that I know was up from late 1970's thru the early 1990's. The top fell off, but the radial/mast support was still in tact.
The old Top One I have failed because the top hat hub came loose in the radiator on both ends. This hub was compression fit and over time with wind it just came loose and rotated inside the shortened radiator. IMO I think the original A/P is probably better in this case because it is constructed a little different in this regard.
Sirio's New Top One looks to be designed and constructed much better, but I haven't had it installed for any long period of time. I also don't have much high winds here on the Gulf Coast of Texas, but when we do they tend to get pretty high.
I thought about a Sirio M-400 Starduster, and I know Marconi likes the Stardusters, but I don't know if the Sirio version of this antenna will work as well as the old A/S Starduster from the 70's.
Regarding the issue about Sirio's M400, I can only go by several guys that reported installing their antennas new and the performance they both reported was exceptionally good results. However, only time will really tell.
IMO, these antennas mentioned so far are not very popular among CBr's. We don't see many reports so that makes it hard to tell. So, most will not be convinced by such sparse reporting, and for sure with these all being short center fed 1/2 wave antennas.
If I do get something like a Starduster or a new Top One (if they can take the wind), does the mast have to be of a certain type of metal? Can it be galvanized water pipe, or does it have to be something else?
I'm also looking for something that can handle 2kw PEP. Yeah, I know, I could run one that can handle 1kw PEP, but I like the extra headroom.
IMO, the options for the mast you descibe does not really matter. You can hardly go wrong with either antenna if you can get the antenna tip up high...40'+ feet or more. No comment about running power.
I also thought about a Wolf .64 too, does anyone have a price on that antenna?
As far as I know the Wolf .64 is no longer made. I have a Wolf .64 that has been installed only for testing. I will not let this one go cheap, but I will consider to put it up for the highest bidder.
Also, I did call up MFJ, and since the remakes of the SP-500 are a little different than the originals, they can't provide me with the gamma match, it's made up differently on the new SP-500's. No dice.
Exit13, IMO the matcher on the SP500 is not a gamma match, but I get your point.
There does appear to be some difference in construction between the old SP500's and the New Model. It looks to me like the matcher is simply attached to the radials, hub, and radiator on the opposite sides of the radiator.
You could try and see if MFJ will sell the two piece wire matcher and the hub. That way you won't have to jury-rig the matcher to fit the hub.
Here is an image of my Wolf .64: