Thanks everyone for the replies!
Marconi, my question to you is... What would you recommend for me, being as I had a SP-500 up? I can put the Starduster plenty up there, I can match it tip for tip with my SP-500, I have plenty of mast. Should I go with a Starduster, or go with something like the Vector 4000 or other similar antenna?
Exit13, in my experience I don't find enough difference among all the antennas mentioned here to really make a big difference...if one can get the tips reasonably close.
But this is what I find here at my location in the flat lands of Texas about 60 miles from the Gulf Coast. If it was me I would get me a Sirio SD'r or a Sirio New Top One, get it up as high as I could, and take my chances.
From the reports I often hear, the Vector 4000 tends to be a bit weak in windy areas, and in my recent experiences with my original Antenna Specialists SD' might be about the same.
If your old SP500 held up well enough in your area...then I would seriously consider a new one if you old one is banged up.