the mount came with an so239-terminated ball on it. i don't particularly care for that setup with more then a few hundred watts when running a mag mount. 2 different schools of thought on that subject, & i subscribe to the 'ring terminal is better' theory, it works for me. have to remember, though, in ANY instance, when you separate the shield from the inner conductor, you change the impedance of the coax at that point, so YES, changing coax and/or length probably WILL change SWR if you aren't extremely close to the same amount of inner conductor no longer surrounded by shield-something you should be aware of whenever you use a ring terminal. i prefer ring terminals on solid mounted antennas as well, but oxidation should be less of an issue due to the connector not being exposed to the elements, so it could be an option that way. as for 14'.....well, 14' & some inches. partially due to the fact that it reaches, & partially as it IS a 1/4 electrical wavelength at 27.025. does it REALLY matter? just remember, losses compund themselves-poor antenna, poor mount, poor ground, poor coax, high swr, etc etc etc. a 2:1 swr may be a barely noticeable percentage of power loss, but if you add in all the other probable issues in that system, it may end up a 50% total loss-or more. strive for perfection to keep losses to a minimum.