If it's new, make sure no water penetrated into the feed point connector. If it came in from anything other than bad weather proofing, take photos of it before you remove your weather proof to prove this. And send it back or call them. That thing isn't that old is it? I would think they have some type or warranty. Also check around the tip area for any water entry or even moisture. That is all it really takes to make things go crazy. I am sure you know about proper weather proofing so I won't even go there. But you should have to take it down either way correct to send it back. See what it looks like today and also record that as well if any changes appear when it dries. Could have water in it, nothing is impossible that is for sure!! Hope you get it fixed, and make sure to document all of it well! JMHO. Hope things look up. Have a good day, or try to at least!!!