There used to be a time when ham radio operators everywhere would point at the amateur radio hobby as one that was responsible for helping push the envelope on new communications technologies. In the age of 4G wireless internet, iPhones, Androids, and Skype, I'm not so sure ham radio will ever be viewed again as something that has the capability of producing "ground breaking" communication technology. The R&D dollars just aren't being pumped into the hobby. However, I do think that the Amateur Radio community should do a better job of remembering its experimental technology roots and start to demand the integration of current, available technology into the products of our market space. Toward that end, I want more Bluetooth!
A few companies (Yaesu, in particular) have started integrating Bluetooth for specific functions, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. For the Yaesu VX-8 and FTM-350 products, you can get an optional Bluetooth board that lets you use a Bluetooth headset, which is a great start. I think all new handheld, mobile, and base Amateur gear should make plans to incorporate the same functionality. In fact, some States are starting to enforce laws that make it an illegal distraction to even talk on radios with hand mics while driving. I can see a time when more and more States make it a requirement to use some sort of headset while driving even for ham radio. These laws may force manufactures to finally add bluetooth chipsets as a standard feature in their radios.
Why don't we have any HF gear with Bluetooth capability? Is too much to expect that an operator at his home station might want less wires all over the desk instead of more? But I don't just want Bluetooth implemented for headsets. I want to be able to add Bluetooth wireless speakers, Bluetooth mics, and I want a Bluetooth serial connection to my PC for remote control and programming. The only wires that I should be required to attach to any of my rigs at home should be for the power and feed line (and maybe a keying line for the linear amp).
This year, the Bluetooth v4.0 spec was introduced which now gives the ability to send high speed data over longer distances with relatively low energy consumption. One way this could be implemented in ham radio gear is in lieu of a traditional sound card interface. Imagine being able to stream audio between your PC and rig over Bluetooth without wires. It's not a fantasy; it could happen.
Personally, I don't believe many of these or other ideas will be implemented in amateur radio gear any time soon. Realistically, since 2010 is almost over and we still see very few products that have even given us the ubiquitous USB port, I doubt the manufacturers even have the capability to expand their thinking into the Bluetooth possibilities. In the true, experimental spirit of Amateur Radio, I think it will take some enterprising folks to figure out how to make little Bluetooth interface add-ons that work with the existing gear until they can eventually be incorporated natively into the equipment. Of course, the software developers will have to get on board, too. For example, the folks that code Digital Master / Ham Radio Deluxe would need to give us the option to select "Bluetooth Device" as the Soundcard interface to our rig. How cool would that be!
As I look at the massive mess of wires on my radio desk, I have to believe there is a better way and I firmly believe that Bluetooth is a viable option. I think we may see more Bluetooth options in mobile gear soon, but we have to continue to push the use-cases. What about you? What technologies do you see in your every day life that should find their way into Amateur Radio gear?