The alternator is insufficient. You need no less than 250 amps for the amp and truck itself.
The 1600 watts peak rating is at 15 volts.
I agree!give me 250 wtts and good coax and good antenna i will out talk someone with a fair coax and fair antenna and 1500wtts all day,hehe
Straight scoop?
Hmmmm . . .
If the amp DK's at 250w; then 1000w PEP would be ideal. That also means that you would be drawing less amperage away from your system and won't have as much voltage drop either. Soooo; keeping the amp driven with just enough power to get 1000w PEP would save 25 amps and perhaps .4v drop instead of a .6v drop.
Or do you think that losing 200w at the top is not worth it? That 200w is pretty all crap watts anyway. Those eight 2879's should do 125w/apiece @ 14.2v fairly clean too - which is right in the ball park. No one will ever be able to tell the difference between 1000w and 1200w a thousand miles away anyway.
Straight enough?
I agree with what you have said IFFFFF....... the only reason for the loss of wattage is lack of drive. If it's due to a LOSS OF AMPERAGE then no, that's not good. You cannot starve an amp to keep it in line with the spec sheet output.
...I have some around me on 28am eating up 10mtrs on 28.380usb/lsb/am/fm/cw...its a harmonic of you have to think of that...73 de JW
Yep,not only interfering with other people on 11mtrs,i have some around me on 28am eating up 10mtrs on 28.380usb/lsb/am/fm/cw...its a harmonic of you have to think of that...73 de JW
Yeah me too . I know all a about inter mod and ordered harmonics and I could see crap like that coming out a jacked up radio from where filtering had maybe been clipped and 2 freq mixing in the amplifier to make a new freq but normally the cause would. Be bleed over wouldn't it?