was in local pawn shop.owner is a good friend.
i took him some .223 casings as he reloads .223. he said i got you an as is where is radio. i gave him $10.worth .223 casings for that v 8000.
it was badly in need of cleaning.smoker owned it n it was nicotine cummed up.used a lot of cleaner n got it working n lost smoke smell.
the fan was bad,got it cured but need a squelch pot n volume pot . both work but you have to pull on them to adjust
if anybody has a v 8000 thats bad let me know.
i talked to a friend last nite on simplex .he lives 45 miles from me.hooked to my tram 1481b he said i was hitting him hard with a very clear voice. said it sure sounds nice what is the radio? i replied v 8000 n he said DONT GET RID OF IT
i took him some .223 casings as he reloads .223. he said i got you an as is where is radio. i gave him $10.worth .223 casings for that v 8000.
it was badly in need of cleaning.smoker owned it n it was nicotine cummed up.used a lot of cleaner n got it working n lost smoke smell.
the fan was bad,got it cured but need a squelch pot n volume pot . both work but you have to pull on them to adjust
if anybody has a v 8000 thats bad let me know.
i talked to a friend last nite on simplex .he lives 45 miles from me.hooked to my tram 1481b he said i was hitting him hard with a very clear voice. said it sure sounds nice what is the radio? i replied v 8000 n he said DONT GET RID OF IT