I've been trying to come up with ideas for a 160m antenna on my small lot in the city for some time. I've thought about a loop, inverted L, etc. but haven't come up with an idea that seems like it will work in such a small space.
Here's what I'm currently thinking, but I'm not sure complete how to make it work, or if it even will work.
Here are the tools I have to work with so far:
Ground radials are a problem also. I could run a few down to the rain gutters, perhaps then run from the down spouts into the yard, but it would be a compromise at best.
What am I missing to make this idea work? What about the feedline that is secured to the mast? Isn't it going to pick up the RF and cause me other problems? If it will work, what's the easiest way to load up the push up mast? Keep i mind that I can run all of this into a tuner, if necessary.
What are some other ideas to get on 160m with what I have to work with?
Here's what I'm currently thinking, but I'm not sure complete how to make it work, or if it even will work.
Here are the tools I have to work with so far:
- 30' push up mast on the center of my roof. Roof is 12' tall. The mast currently has a inverted V dipole and Cushcraft R6000 above it. Dipole and vertical are both fed with coax secured to the mast
- Approx 30' Palm tree in the back corner of the lot. The palm tree will eventually grow 70-90 feet tall, but this will take years. The palm tree is also in close proximation to the power feed line for the house, although that feedline is on the property border.
- 25' tall Juniper trees that are on the opposite border from the palm tree, also in the back yard. The trees line the border and actually butt up against one corner of the house. The inverted V is actually tied off to the tree closest to the house.
- Rain gutters around the house
- Chain link fence on the back property line, but it's below the power lines.
Ground radials are a problem also. I could run a few down to the rain gutters, perhaps then run from the down spouts into the yard, but it would be a compromise at best.
What am I missing to make this idea work? What about the feedline that is secured to the mast? Isn't it going to pick up the RF and cause me other problems? If it will work, what's the easiest way to load up the push up mast? Keep i mind that I can run all of this into a tuner, if necessary.
What are some other ideas to get on 160m with what I have to work with?