Anybody willing to risk hooking it up to their scope?
I'm game if you bring the power supply and a big enough generator.
Anybody willing to risk hooking it up to their scope?
people that have mortgages don't buy these toys at these prices just to key up on another dummy, sadly people that buy these things are usually non employee living on the government check dope dealer. somewhere in the net there is an image of a cb operator with these two huge amps living in a run down house with a lawn chair for a sofa. for some folks having power is a priority family and food comes 2nd.He wins until another builder starts offering a 640 pill.
The cycle starts with a new cber who wanted a 3 pill just to get out a little better.........then he finds himself taking out a 4th mortgage and it just repeats.
Triple Zero in that Mississippi Motor home got one, too.766 has one
The link you gave shows a 480 pill amp capable of over 130,000 watts, drawing over 10,000 amps, and costing $49,699 ? It seems it's for real and someone could buy one.
Even is the US, commercial AM broadcast stations power limits are 50,000 watts. A definite attention getter but I'm sure Uncle Charlie would like to have a word with you.![]()