Off the top of my head, it sounds like a salesman 'poo-pooing' CB base station radios because they don't carry them. If they suddenly decided to stock those type radios, I'd bet their story changes very rapidly. This is a sort of common ploy of salesmen. Comparing something they don't have unfavorably with something they do have. You'd think that they would at least use a plausible 'line', wouldn't you? Those not so plausible ones always 'bite' you in the long run. Wonder what else they use that type of story on? Makes me have 'doubts' about them, which isn't good for business.
- 'Doc
Since I've never done business with them, and this is the only thing I've heard about them, I sort'a figure I won't be doing business with them.
- 'Doc
Since I've never done business with them, and this is the only thing I've heard about them, I sort'a figure I won't be doing business with them.