looking at the i2k and having installed a few of my own.
1st the tuning rings need to be put back center of the adjustments, or as close to factory as you can, this fishing pole is good from the factory no need for adjustment,
2nd is I do not see a very good ground, the pole is not really long enough but the main concern is if the mast pole/pipe is actually bonded to the structure. Just sitting in a bigger pipe will not give a good enough ground to act as the other half of the end fed antenna.
You can try a quick fix, get around 8'6" to 9' of wire, any old wire and attach it to the mounting base of the i2k so it will act as a counterpoise, if that fixes the problem then you need to actually bond the mast pipe to the crane structure, drill holes good bond to ground and good luck, man 190, can I put an 160 meter inverted v antenna up there also???
Hell an 75 meter wire would SCREAM that high above ground
and wrap an ugly balun rf choke at the feed point of that end feed fishing pole to prevent CMC, you mentioned line isolator they work also.