Thank You DXman,
And if the suppressor does not work, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I may just call the power company anyway regardless. You should see this mess of a pole.
It's like the control pole for the block or something.
I'm going to take pictures of the pole in the morning & point out the covered cables that are causing the interference. I've learned so much with this AM radio it's not even funny.
Wireless modem transmission noise, Light Dimmers, Black & decker sonic bug repellers, Flourecent lights, Cable Tv cables, Wireless mouse noise, wall wart noises, Computer monitors, computers, and the list goes on & on.
This journey has taken me months to locate the source. It's my own fault for not being thorough enough. But at least now I know it's not my house, my house wiring, or even the power coming in through my meter box to my radio.
It is being recepted by my antenna through the air.
I knew that when I hooked up my car battery to my radio. But ya just never know.
I'm so relieved. I feel like I've been born again. lol!
I'm just grateful to have friends on here that cared enough about a small time, green horn like me.
I'm overjoyed in finding the source. I know that you know how I'm feeling right now. And only people like you guys would even begin to know what I know or feel what I'm feeling right now.
And for that, I cannot give thanks enough. This really makes a guy very humble. I am going to share what I know with anyone that reaches out like I have.
This is a great place for knowledge, This has become my home base for fellowship, learning, and to share in my disappointments, and failures without embarrassment.
My direction now is 10 meter radio. I've just recently purchased a Magnum 257 blue LCD radio and I am currently studying to get my Ham license. I plan on keeping my Imax for a while now. But I've just begun here. I will eventually try a beam or perhaps a maco or a sirio, who knows. I may just stay with my Max. H_ll, I'm such a happy camper right now & I'm talkin out of my rear.
I've been feelin very depressed for months over this trouble, but it's time to go to bed, without frustration for once. I'll keep in contact.
I'm Smilin that's fer sure!
There is hope after all.