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Impressions of the TS-590


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Mar 5, 2010
I had a friend that purchased a new TS-590 and after using it for a week he decided that it had to many menus and the controls were to small. He then turned around and asked if I would trade my FT-950 for his 590. Having had such great luck with my TS 2000 I decided to take a chance and see how good or bad this radio really was. Sherwood has a web page where they rank all of the major radios and compared their ability to hear weak signals to one another ( Receiver Test Data ) and the 590 fared very well. Not that much of a difference between it and the K3. The K3 is second the 590 came in 9th.

Now for a few of the things I like about this radio. I love the fact that this radio can be hooked to your computer either via a USB cable or a serial cable or if need be both of them. This means if you are running two programs that need to connect to your radio it is now possible. The size is small when compared to the TS-2000 and even more so when compared to the 950. The DSP works relatively well but does very little to eliminate a power line buzz that plagues me. For those who feel color coordination is the most important aspect of ham radio the 590 has two different display colors, you can choose from green or amber. If you want the option of configuring the radio "Your way" the 590 has 100+ menu setting you can change but the majority are a set once and forget the menu type items.


The internal speaker on the FT-950 is far superior to the smaller sounding 590 speaker. Another irksome problem with the 590 is there is no matching speaker for the radio. They expect you to use the SP-23 which does not match the color or style of the 590. I have opted to us an old Icom speaker and power supply housing which is black which sort of matches the radio. The oversized tuning knob is silky smooth and spins with little effort, located to lower left of the knob is a push button marked "Fine" which when depressed reduced the turn rate so that CW or digital stations are easier to tune in. Speaking of digital I have used the radio not only on PSK31 but RTTY and FSK as well. As long as you maintain this output so as not to have any ALC showing all of my signal reports were glowing successes. With the included roofing filter the ability to tune and separate CW signal is as good as any radio I have ever owned and that includes the ICOM 756 Pro II which everyone says is a great CW radio. This radio also includes the Voice recorder which can be used during contests which makes calling CQ so much easier and it can also be used to record 30 seconds of someone talking so they can hear exactly what they sound like. I should add that I am using the Heil GM 5.1 microphone and have almost everyone say how great the audio sounds I was told by Bob Heil NOT to use the processor on the radio.

So there you have it in a nutshell, if I missed something you would want to know just ask and I will do my best to find out for you.

73's and Merry Christmas
Kevin -KG0MN

Nice write-up. What are the adjustments available for both TX and RX audio? Also, what are your impressions on how well the DSP NR works?
Moleculo, I have one of those as well. I had let go of a Yaesu FT2000, used had issues, and
traded it back in and bought the TS590S.
It doesn't quite have the cababilities of TX/RX audio adjustments as the FT2000.
It does have Hp1 Hp2, bb1, bb2, Flat, Conventional and user. The user setting is done
through Kenwoods free software. With that you can fine tune the audio like the Yaesu
at that point, but not on the radio itself other than the presets.
I've only had this about a week, but the DSP noise reductions is better than the FT2000 that I had. This thing really does well with noise interference. The standard stuffs just does well, nb1, nb2 actually works well. The NR works well, but it's easy to over do it. It works better than the TS480 line, that's what I'm running in my car. The beat control will nock out
adjacent whines and really works well with people tuning there amps or radio on frequency during a qso with a cw carrier instead of off frequency, but it'll knock it right out and you don't hear it. That's about all I can think of as I only had it a short time.
For using proccessor, it has a hard and soft setting which really works well. I have to disagree with Bob Heil on that one. Though I don't run his microphones anymore and I have three of his, PR781, Goldline dual, and pro. I have a lower gravel in my voice which doesn't work well with Heil's and I think my Shure SM7B just blows them away anyhow. JMHO. :)
Thanks for the report on the TS590 I believe this will be my next HF radio hopefully in early 2012. I would love to hear more feedback on it. FT 950 is a monster compared to it and I like the solid feel...do you miss your 950 at all or are you happy you made the trade?

John - KE4HGR
Rumor has it that Kenwood is going to introduce the TS-990 some time in 2012. Supposedly it will be the successor to the TS-950SDX. I already own an SDX and I'm not in the market for any more radios, but I'm really curious to see what they have in store.

I run the FT950 myself and I like the BIG RADIO. It helps fill the spot on the desk and looks impressive.
I too have been looking at another HF rig but there are so many to choose from. It makes it hard to deiced. I do like the FT5000 w/ station monitor. I just don't have that kind of funds to lay down.
To be honest, I really do miss the FT-950 and the main reason is size. My hand are larger than the average bears (to give you a hint I wear a size 22 ring) and my hands aren't fat just Iowa Farm Boy Big. The 590 in my view is made more for the piano player hands and the FT-950 is made for a mechanic type hands. There I think I have offended about everyone j/k.
:lol:I think you are on to something there...Perhaps a missed marketing point...FAT Fingers? Get The Yaesu...so ergonomically you are noticing a difference in performance between the two rigs but in your opinion are these two rigs...

- Evenly Matched
-TS-590s has a few modern performance updates than the FT 950
- FT-950 was ahead of it's time and still out performs the TS590s

I'm trying to figure out if the TS590s is worth the couple hundred extra bucks...I am usually a Yaesu person but I like the what the Kenwood's got to offer...Even though I don't play the piano...I may have the figures for it...

John - KE4HGR
I've had a TS-590S since late June, '11. Worked 24+ countries using a 33' vertical (only a ground bridle to three 4' ground rods in W. PA) on 40 and 15. If I can hear them, I usually can work them. Audio (w supplied standard PTT mike) reports with processor ON are quite complimentary; processor makes the difference in "getting through" and not. Can set both low and high audio cutoff frequencies for both TX and RX -- in addition to receive bandwidth. NR reduction, two types, seems quite effective with little reduction in perceived signal strength. SSB and CW tuning (auto function is a great help for nailing CW frequency to allow UP or DN shift) is superb. Bandwidth of 50 Hz is unbelievable (do not use CW autotune on less than 300 Hz BW). Autonotch has variable attack rate and unless a beat is present, you'll never know that the autonotch is working -- you simply will not hear the beat AT ALL (unless strength is> 30-40 dB). Panel has a lot on it; I figure that I can use about 60-70% now (hi hi)! Much easier to use than my FT-857D. Many settings are universal, unlike band specific settings on the FT-857. Decided that I could have only one fixed base and one mobile transceiver. The TS-590S was a very good choice. As a measuring geek and occasional net control station, I put in the optional TXCO and added the voice recorder (haven't used yet). Beats an S-85 and DX-35 all hollow when I was last licensed in 1961!
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The TS-590S is a total pain if you plan to use an LA due to the ALC overshoot powerspike which causes my Acom protection circuit to kick in. This is simply poor design, the ALC circuit is still pulling its boots on and the powerspike has come and gone in about 5mS. It cannot be fixed by firmware update, and those who say their rig hasn't got the problem, don't realize it's there by design in all 590's, or don't know how to see it. In fairness, Kenwood are not on their own with this design flaw as other manufacturers have exactly the same problem. Other than that it is a superb little radio, being capable of superb TX audio on SSB as it can be tailored to suit the operators voice, the RX performance is excellent, holding its own with much more expensive rigs. Overall, the 590 gives good value for money, for the price it's hard to beat.

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