I am both a Ham and a 11meter CB-SSB "LSB CH 38'er".
I like both for different reasons.
HAM: You will find it kind of "stuffy" on 2meter & 440 mhz Ham FM , the guys on FH repeaters tend to be majority white collar techno-geek oriented and much older in general than the more blue collar younger dudes on CB.
I would say the most Ham guys are 45 to 85 years old and most CB & 11 meter SSB guys are 25 to 50 years old. CB -SSB has a younger crowd.
Ya it's true AM CB and 11 meter SSB have a lot of older A-hole teen's, marginaly functional drunks, meth losers, momma's boys living on Mommies front porch, homeless living in van's and anti social types out in the Mojave desert, but it also has a bunch of "average joes" who like to hunt fish drive Jeeps up into the mountains and shoot skip, truckers and old fasioned American guys who are relaxed easy to shoot the shit with.
Ham has more classy guys who never get speeding tickets, who wash there car ever week like clock work, they are very very conservative as a whole, they are good honest law & order type people who in general don't cuss, don't drink, don't smoke cigars under $10 bucks a stick, and they don't like to talk about tits and beer, in other words they are "classy".....lol, BUT they tend to be "tite asses" who demand strict protocol wich make a conversation feel slow and constrictive, its kind of like having a conversation in front of You grandma, you feel like you cant relax ,fart or let an casual F word slip out.
On Ham You will be speaking to mostly retired guys , lawyers, IT professionals, CPA's, Radio Tech's,etc......
On Ham l have to remember the other guys call sign and repeat it and yours every so often , if you deviate in the slightest they will correct you , they all will all look up your call sign and check up on you, you also have to repeat your call sign at the beginning & end and if You don't your looked upon as a heretic or Satanist who is trying to defile the Christian virginity of the repeater system.
The good things is they tend to be "signal zealots" they will put an antenna farm / repeater station on every 5 to 10 thousand foot mountain peak and make sure they will all cover & overlap each others signal radiation pattern and then link them up to each other to where you can transmit on all of them at the same time giving you a thousand circualr mile radius of talk are on a Hand held walkie talkie !!!.
You will have 10 times better TX & RX than even the best cell phone systems and even better coverage and marginal signal than an rural Police Fire and Highway patrol, so you are never out of range of a repeater even with small 2meter 1 watt mini pocket walkie talkie / HT out it in the boondocks you can usually "hit a repeater" / "get into a repeater" and make contact with a Ham in the most remote areas all around the country.
On CB SSB CH 38LSB I dont have the marginal area reception for obvious reasons, but I can usually make contact with someone when I go thru any small to mid sized little American town that has a WalMart , any small town usually has a half dozen sidbanders who are regulars to shoot the shit with & shoot skip without worrying if I am wearing an imaginary suit and tie.
I like both when I get boored of CB noise I pop on my dual band Ham rig, when I get boored with stuffy call signs and protocol I jump back on the SB CB.
take care
Both have there up side and down side, so why not do both ?