Ummmm . . . Let me guess . . . and all u guys have helped alot i am presently studying to get my ham licence, one day but my friend has this radio he just wants to talk on 11 meters am normal local and 10 meters lsb can u sudgest some more settings like power setting and modulation. or mike gain settings i read your comment and would like some more advice just to keep the radio happy.. it was purchased with the am transmit modification so it does transmit on 11 meters and i now what u mean about finicky trans on am so if u can it will be greatly appriciated;;; 73;s
You want to use this radio on CB/AM talking. First of all, this radio is a little finicky about AM transmitting. Works fine for SSB. You can make it work on AM mode; but will have a hard time adjusting the mic gain correctly. Setting the dead key/'carrier' will be the other problem. If you try to make it over-modulate like a CB - it won't. It will just transmit a clicking sound when it hits the 100% modulation mark. Like hitting a brick wall. The radio's on-board compressor will make it sound even worse. I tried it - so I know. At best, it will put out 30 watts PEP/watts with a dead key/'carrier' of 6-8 watts on AM. It will put out about 100 watts/PEP on SSB. Works great on SSB; troublesome on AM. Not a real problem for a beginner or seasoned Ham to make it work just fine . . .
This radio wasn't built to suit the needs of CB AMers on "da bowl". Modifying it will take some cash and finding someone willing to do the work. Not saying it can't be done. But if you don't know your way around a Ham rig; you would have been better off getting a Ranger, Galaxy, or Cobra - and then modifying the crap out of that.