Imagine a car forum and someone is warning people about an engine problem but then refuses to tell people the Year, Make, Model, and Engine type! It would be a worthless post of no use to anyone!
At the very least put a zip tie on that wire until you can get a proper strain relief.
That power wire is not soldered down well.
I think it is low class to complain and make a PSA lacking most of the basics of "Who, What, When, Where, Why". Have some courage! If this was a new amp from Texas Star or MFJ you would share it. You are clearly afraid of fall-out from the builder community and their fan boys!
I would add that if the amp is installed properly and bolted down and the wires are ran properly there should be a very low chance of a strain guage being needed even if it is clearly best practice. Anyone that has worked in car audio, 2-way-radio, or as a mechanic have seen how poorly people install electrical and electronic gear in car's and trucks! Bad construction methods and installation practices have burnt peoples trucks to the ground!