Don't you mean they are no longer "supposed" to us AM?
Only to address Paki cabbies.
Don't you mean they are no longer "supposed" to us AM?
Smart bunch of fellows even if they do talk and type with a funny accent.
Don't you mean they are no longer "supposed" to us AM?
:laugh: This coming from a guy from 'Bama.
Wut yu talkin bout with thet commit Capn Kay Dubbya?
Ima thankin youuns mite bea tryin ta insult usuns downchere in the land of Aunt Mommy and Uncle Daddy.
Wut yu talkin bout with thet commit Capn Kay Dubbya?
Ima thankin youuns mite bea tryin ta insult usuns downchere in the land of Aunt Mommy and Uncle Daddy.
I never seen one or heard of one like that. I stand corrected as usual.
I owned a 19 GTL once and it was a pretty fair talker for a cheap radio. Seems the UK guys get all the good stuff.
Ebay is going to the sh*t hole with tactics like this. It was only a couple of weeks ago I reported a seller because of obvious shill bidding going on. What do they do ... now its totally blind bidding and the seller can scam/shill so much more easier than before. Great improvement. :headbang